Multiples of Illinois created the Special Needs Assistance Fund (SNAF), to help multiple birth families with extraordinary expenses associated with the special needs for an immediate family member. Assistance is not solely based on financial need.
The following is a list of the type of items that will be considered but this is not meant to be an exclusive listing:
therapy costs
adapted toys
childcare for siblings (so as to allow the parent to accompany or transport the child to obtain treatment)
travel expenses
home adaptations
any other item that can be shown to improve the quality of life for the child or immediate family member.
The SNAF application process is a confidential review by MOI committee members.
To make a financial contribution to help assist families with multiple birth children meet the extraordinary expenses associated with raising a special needs, chronically ill or catastrophically injured child or immediate family member, or to request information about how a family can qualify for S.N.A.F.
Please contact the S.N.A.F. Chairman: snaf@multiplesofillinois.org